Young | Male | Adopted
With all the breed mixes floating around these days, it's easy to get confused. The shelter told us they had a cockapoo/maltese (cockapooteese?), but little 3-year-old Benji doesn't have any "cocka" at all. We're pretty sure he's a poodle/maltese mix, but we took him anyway because he was just so cute!
It's a good thing because Benji did not enjoy the loud and chaotic environment of the dog shelter. He was very nervous and didn't show his best side. As soon as we bailed him out, we started to see a much more relaxed and happy pup!
Benji's previous owners surrendered him when they had to move to an apartment where dogs were not allowed. He previously lived with another dog. We have not yet tested him with cats or children (but we think that Benji may not be a good match for young kids). Once we get Benji into a foster home, we will update his bio with everything we learn about him.