Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Male | Adopted

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Hi!  My name is Billy.  I'm an adorable 6-year-old, 32 pound boy with a natural tail to be envious of!  I rather like my tail instead of the typical cocker nub, because it's so much easier for my humans to see how happy I am.  That's right, this tail is meant for wagging...and you'll see a lot of wags if you're in my company! See how happy Billy is in this video. Such a cutie!

I was found on a farm in PA, and nobody knew who I was!  Because I'm so friendly, I introduced myself, and folks still couldn't figure out where I belonged, so I landed in doggie jail.  Fortunately, word got out about the good-looking blonde who was homeless, and the next thing I knew, I was a member of OBG.  What luck I have!

I'm also housebroken and know lots of commands, like Sit, Stay, Shake, and Down.  I'm very smart and will do anything if you have a treat!  I also like cats and other low-key doggies (no experience with little kids).  I eat special prescription food and take a few pills each day to ensure my renal health.  Just ask my foster family for more details!

I hope I caught your eye, because I'm dreaming of humans to love forever!  Drop me a quick note, and let's make a date!