Adult | Male | Adopted
On Saturday, July 25th, OBG Cocker Rescue facilitated the rescue of 46 dogs off of a property in Virginia. These dogs were living in a hot barn without anyone to give them proper exercise or keep their water dishes filled. They are now safe with OBG vets and getting the care and attention they need.
Hokie is one cute, happy guy - just look at that smile! He's believed to be 7 years old and has just the perfect amount of energy. He's not shy and will sneak in kisses immediately. Kisses on your face, glasses and even the ears aren't off limits! Once he's showered you with love, he flips over for a belly rub. Seems only fair. He's great with other dogs although sometimes he guards his valuables. Hokie LOVES playing fetch, so please have tennis balls galore.
Hokie is in pretty good shape but could stand to gain about 5 pounds. What say you? Is this your forever fur baby?