Senior | Female | Adopted
Muneca is Spanish for doll and she is a very beautiful doll baby! She is only 9 years young and 28 pounds. She is super sweet and a favorite at our vet's office where she is kenneled. Muneca is keeping her crate clean too.
Muneca was surrendered when the family children lost interest in having a dog to look after. OBG is certain that she will find a wonderful family to call her own in no time at all. Muneca gets along with dogs, and children. This girl loves her rubs, that is the way to win her heart! Due to untreated dry eye Muneca has limited vision but will be visiting our eye specialist this month to see if anything can be done to help her vision.
Muneca's test results show she is hypothyroid, so she will be on inexpensive daily medication plus eye drops. She's been very quiet in her crate but would love crate-free living in her next home.
This doll baby would love to leave the kennel life for a foster home! If you would like to know more, please email us at the link below.