Mokey Has Been Found!

As many of you know, one of OBG's Sweet Sixteen, Mokey, escaped from her adopter back in June of this year. She has been living on the streets since then, but we at OBG have never given up hope that one day we would be able to find her and bring her back to OBG. Thanks to Sam with Pure Gold Pet Trackers, we recently found the area where Mokey had been living by using Sam's tracking dog. OBG volunteers then hung up flyers in the area where the track ended and worked with Sam to set up a humane trap to catch Mokey. The trap worked and within days Mokey was back safely with OBG.
Mokey is now severely underweight and food will have to be reintroduced slowly to her so as not to cause gastrointestinal problems. In addition, she was covered in hundreds of ticks. The vet has removed the ticks, cleaned her up, taken x-rays, and done bloodwork to make sure there are no additional health problems. We are pleased to say she is otherwise healthy and should make a full physical recovery.
Unfortunately, Mokey's emotional recovery may take some time. She is understandably very frightened right now. We will keep you posted on her progress. Thanks to everyone for their support and for keeping Mokey in your thoughts and prayers!