16 Dogs Surrendered to OBG

On Monday, January 27, 2014, OBG Cocker Rescue volunteers conducted an urgent rescue in West Virginia before the next Arctic blast hit the region. Sixteen dogs including cocker spaniels, cocker spaniel mixes, beagle mixes, a lab and some other dogs of unknown origin. Their names are Binky, Speckles, Nicky, Snickers, Sami, Hayley, Hope Anne, Scamper, Mokey, Sandy, Bounce, Reba, Gracie, Leroy, Bootsie and Rex. You can see their pictures here!
Tragically, the owner of these dogs was recently killed in a tractor accident and his physically handicapped widow could no longer provide either the physical or financial care these dogs required. The outdoor living conditions for many of these dogs made the rescue all the more urgent.
All of the dogs are now under the care of one of OBG's intake vets in Northern Virginia. Each animal will be medically evaluated, brought up to date on shots, spayed or neutered, and bathed and groomed as needed. Watch the blog for updates and new pictures.
The medical and kennel care for these dogs is expected to exceed $16,000. Would you please consider a donation to help these pups get started with their new lives? Click here to make a donation online! Click here to donate by mail.
OBG is also in urgent need of foster homes to help these dogs start their new lives and find forever families! The dogs have varying needs as far as socialization and housetraining are concerned and potential fosters and adopters will find that some of the dogs are more socialized and more comfortable with people than others. Anyone interested in fostering can contact fosters@cockerspanielrescue.com.
Thank you on behalf of the Sweet 16!