Board Elections and Vet Presentation

OBG held its board meeting and annual elections today. Thanks to everyone who joined us and congratulations to our new board members, Bob and Arline, and to our returning board members Teresa, Cindy and Beth. Special thanks to departing board members, Marilyn and Mary, for their many years of service on the OBG board. Special thanks also to Johanna B. who served as our officer of elections.
We were thrilled to have Dr. Jennifer Kelly of Companion Animal Hospital speak to us about canine atopy (environmental allergies) and a revolutionary breakthrough in monoclonal antibody therapy to safely alleviate the itch for our canine family members. Very helpful to many of us with itchy Cockers! Thank you, Dr. Kelly, and we loved your balloon props!
Finally, thank you to our host, Steve and his foster pup, Maggie (featured below) and her siblings, Cassy and Jake. We tried not to drop too much food on the floor, but we know you were happy to help clean up.