2019 CFC Announcement

Due to an administrative error, OBG will not be listed in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) online catalog and supporters will not be able to donate to OBG via CFC. OBG plans to reapply to CFC in 2019 and fully expects to be back in their catalog for next year's CFC season. The good news is we have an alternative -- OBG's Giving For Tomorrow (GiFT) program is a pledge-based way to donate to OBG. Just "set it and forget it" is the premise of this easy, subscription donation program, available online via PayPal or credit card, or by sending a monthly check. These programs also have the advantage of minimal administrative fees so more of your money comes directly to us than if the donation was made through CFC.
For more info on our online GiFT program and to get started, please click here.
We also welcome a monthly check to OBG Cocker Rescue, PO Box 30821, Bethesda MD 20824.
Thank you again for your support! If you have any questions please feel free to contact our President, Teresa Butler, at president@cockerspanielrescue.com.