Debbie D. Memorial Bowl-a-Thon

The annual Bow-Wow-Bowl-A-Thon is dedicated to the memory of Debbie Davenport!
We realize that Debbie’s life touched so many humans – and of course, dogs – at OBG. But some of you might not have gotten the pleasure know Debbie, so we wanted to share more about her impact on OBG and why we decided to name this event in her memory.
Yes, she was the spirited woman who co-chaired the Bowl-A-Thon and Canine Cruise each year, but Debbie's history with OBG is so much more. Debbie was involved with OBG almost from the very beginning and was a huge part of why OBG grew so much, especially in the early days. Over many years with us, she volunteered in numerous capacities - Board member, Secretary, Volunteer/Foster coordinator and yes – perhaps – her best-known roles with fundraising. Bowling, cruising, pizza nights, festivals, agility trials – whatever Debbie was involved in was always FUN (and successful)! Her warmth, generosity and inclusiveness was responsible for snagging us many amazing volunteers over the years (how many of you came to an event just to catch up with Debbie?); and we’re pretty sure she convinced more than one unsuspecting adopters that, yes, they really did need to take that sweet cocker spaniel home with them!
She certainly made her mark on our group, and in our hearts. OBG wouldn’t be the same without “our Debbie” and we are incredibly grateful for the time we had with her. So please, join us for the Debbie Davenport Memorial bowl-a-thon, not only to raise money for the cockers, but also to celebrate a beautiful life.