Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Young | Male | Adopted

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*CUTENESS OVERLOAD ALERT*. New guy Cal is a young, sweet adorable mix of maybe Terrier-Lhasa Apso-Havenese...whatever it is, Cal is a cutie patootie!  He is young at 1-2 and just 12 pounds.  He can be a little shy but loves hard when he is with people by snuggling up to you and passing out kisses.  Cal was a stray at a South Carolina shelter, so we don't know too much about him at this time.  He walks nicely on the leash and rode well in the car during transport.

Cal is looking for his forever home now!  He is fostered in Maryland. Please email us at adoptme@cockerspanielrescue.com to learn how to bring him home today!