OBG Board Elections

Want to get involved? It's time for OBG's annual elections. Nominations are being accepted through February 5th. The Board has nine members and is structured into two groups serving two year terms -- one with five members and the other with four -- that are staggered so only half of the Board is up for re-election each year. Five of the nine seats are up for election this year. The incumbents have the option to run again.
All OBG volunteers, financial supporters and benefactors are eligible to make nominations and/or run for the Board. If you are interested in serving on the Board or want to make a nomination for the Board, please e-mail Johanna here by no later than Sunday, February 5th. If you nominate another volunteer, please advise that volunteer. Nominations must include a short paragraph on the nominee's qualifications and his/her area of interest on the Board.
Even if you are new to OBG, please still consider running for a Board position. It's always good to add a fresh perspective to the OBG Board. Wondering what you might be letting yourself in for as a Board member? Click here for info about board member duties and responsibliities. Contact Johanna with any questions.
In order to be eligible to vote, you must have attended one Board meeting in person or by teleconference between February 1, 2016 and February 1, 2017. A list of those eligible to vote was sent out by email.
Elections will be held at our Board meeting on Sunday, February 26, 2016 in Fairfax, VA. Click here to register to attend. If you are eligible to vote, but unable to attend the February 26th Board meeting, you must complete a proxy ballot and return it to me by mail, email, fax, etc. prior to the Board meeting, so it can be counted during the meeting. Once nominations close on February 5th, an email with the proxy ballots, voting instructions and a list of candidates with their bios will be sent to all eligible voters.