Thank You 20th Party Sponsors!

We have an exciting opportunity for friends and supporters to help sponsor OBG's 20th Anniversary Party on September 25th. There are three tiers to the sponsorship program: Gold Paws ($250), Plantinum Paws ($500) and the Supreme Paw ($1000) which is an exclusive package. Click here for all the details and email us at if you are interested or have questions.
We are thrilled to announce we have received several sponsorship commitments already including the Supreme Paw! Please see below for the details and be sure to thank you them for supporting OBG!
Supreme Paw: Hayfield Animal Hospital/Crosspointe Animal Hospital and owner Dr. Jerry Hinn. Thank you so much for sponsoring our 20th Anniversary party and for all the incredible care and love you show to OBG's 200+ foster dogs throughout the year.
Platinum Paw: Thanks to Margaret and Harry Stevens for becoming our first Platinum Paw sponsor. We are so grateful for all their support to OBG and our pups.
Gold Paw: Many thanks to all of our Gold Paw sponsors for supporting OBG! Regional Veterinary Referral Center in Springfield, VA; Ghaffari Orthodontics of Vienna, VA; Vet Vision of Fairfax, VA; Suburban Animal Hospital of Arlington, VA; The Unleashed Pet of Alexandria, VA; Clocktower Animal Hospital of Herndon, VA; LouLou Belle and her Paw Squad, The Hunt Box at Lowelands Farm, Middleburg, VA, and Dulles Motorcars of Leesburg, VA.